
Youth UpRising has a positive impact on the lives of young people and has served over 13,000 unduplicated youth since inception.

Career and Education

  • 400 youth are placed into jobs each year
  • Over 600 young people are provided with comprehensive educational and employment services
  • 84% of summer employment participants enroll and participate in credit recovery/academic activity
  • 97% of eligible summer employment participants re-enroll in high school for the Fall semester

Health and Wellness

  • 3,000 young people visit the youth health clinic annually
  • In 2012, 81% of participants reported decreasing instances of violent behavior since becoming a YU member
  • 61% of participants report taking added precautions toward safer sex practices
  • 78% report that YU has helped them learn and practice healthy coping mechanisms
  • 73% of YU members report they consistently get needed guidance as well as emotional and practical support from YU staff

Crime Reduction

  • In 2015, a study indicated arrests for violent offences declined from 65% of clients in the five years before program enrollment to 10% in the second year after
  • 70% of clients were adjudicated delinquent during the year prior to program enrollment; two years after enrollment, only 13% were—a reduction of more than 80%