
Quality, stable and affordable housing is a concern for East Oakland, particularly for young adults, which has been exacerbated by the national housing crisis.

  • Oakland has the 38th highest foreclosure rate in the U.S.
  • 54% of residents are renters, compared to a national average of 30%.
  • There is a clear lack of recreational facilities and parks in East Oakland, with many census tracts having none.
  • Nearly 40% of all Oakland families are female-headed households, with a growing number of households headed by single dads.


As the only recreational space in our census tract, YU is home to a regulation-size basketball court and will soon break ground on a lead-free Astroturf football and soccer field. YU also has a fully outfitted skate plaza—the first of its kind in Oakland and one of few in the East Bay.

In addition, we are engaged in key community development topics, such as transportation, availability of open space/parks, and accessibility of retail options including grocery stores.

Moving Forward

Over the next couple of years, YU is interested in partnering with young people, residents, the City of Oakland, local community agencies, and other stakeholders to improve transitional and permanent housing options. We also have plans to continue upgrades and expansions to our recreational facilities and park space.